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Dublin Jerome High School

Principal: Mike Aurin

Main Office Phone: 614-873-7377

Main Office Fax: 614-873-7340


Hours: 7:55 AM - 2:42 PM

Grades: 9-12


Athletics: 614-718-8261

Cafeteria: 614-718-8265

Guidance: 614-718-8275

Visitor Info

In keeping with our common concern about the safety of our students while at school, we have developed a number of security measures designed to protect students during the school day. All visitors to the building will enter through the Attendance Office at Door "1" door (the main entrance) facing the parking lot on the Brand Rd. side of the building. All other doors are locked during the school day. Visitors will be buzzed into the office by the receptionist. According to the Ohio Revised Code, all visitors to a school building must report immediately to the office before going anywhere else in the building. When a visitor arrives in the Attendance Office, they are asked to sign in, state the purpose of their visit and wear a visitor's tag that will identify them in the building. All staff members are alerted to question anyone without a visitor's tag. We appreciate your patience if we ask you to return to the Attendance Office and sign in. Upon leaving the building, all visitors should return to the Attendance Office to sign out and to return their visitor's tag.